2. Morton Feldman: Extention 3 (1952)
Howard While Skempton (born 31 October 1947) is an English composer,
pianist, and accordionist. イギリス出身の作曲家。
Since the late 1960s, when he helped to organise the Scratch Orchestra,he has
beenassociated with the English school of experimental music. Skempton’s work is
characterised by stripped-down, essentials-only choice of materials, absence
of formal development and a strong emphasis on melody. The musicologist
Hermann-Christoph Müller has described Skempton’s music
Peter Garland (born January 25, 1952 in Portland, Maine) is a composer,
writer and publisher of Soundings Press.
A student of James Tenney and Harold Budd, much of Garland’s
work could beconsidered post-minimal
such as”The Days Run Away” (1971) were written in the early 1970s
at the same timeas the first minimalist works. He is also an expert